./jaxlctl ========= Usage: ``./jaxlctl command [options...]`` ``jaxlctl`` is a control script that can be seen as a useful tool for: * debugging daemons running in the background * customize daemons on the fly * monitoring daemons * as a playground for learning XMPP/HTTP and Jaxl library itself Type ``./jaxlctl help`` to see list of available commands. .. note:: Various commands are still experimental. Know what you are doing before using them in production. You have been warned !!! Interactive Shell ------------------ >>> ./jaxlctl shell jaxl 1> jaxl 1> // create a test message object jaxl 1> $msg = new XMPPMsg(array('to' => 'friend@gmail.com'), 'Hello World!'); jaxl 2> jaxl 2> // object to string conversion jaxl 2> print_r($msg->to_string()); Hello World! jaxl 3> Debug Running Instances ------------------------ >>> ./jaxlctl attach XXXXX jaxl 1> jaxl 1> // create a message to be sent jaxl 1> $msg = new XMPPMsg(array('to' => 'friend@gmail.com'), 'Hello World!'); jaxl 2> jaxl 2> // this client is from the echo bot example jaxl 2> global $client; jaxl 3> jaxl 3> // send the message packet jaxl 3> $client->send($msg); jaxl 4> jaxl 4> // or we can directly do jaxl 4> $client->send_chat_msg('friend@gmail.com', 'Hello World!'); jaxl 5> Where ``XXXXX`` is the pid of running ``JAXL`` instance.