HTTP Examples

Writing HTTP Server

Intialize an HTTPServer instance

require_once 'jaxl.php';
require_once JAXL_CWD.'/http/http_server.php';
$http = new HTTPServer();

By default HTTPServer will listen on port 9699. You can pass a port number as first parameter to change this.

Define a callback method that will accept all incoming HTTPRequest objects

function on_request($request) {
    if($request->method == 'GET') {
        $body = json_encode($request);
        $request->ok($body, array('Content-Type'=>'application:json'));
    else {

on_request callback method will receive a HTTPRequest object instance. For this example, we will simply echo back json encoded $request object for every http GET request.

Start http server:


We pass on_request method as first parameter to HTTPServer::start/1. If nothing is passed, requests will fail with a default 404 not found error message

Writing REST API Server

Intialize an HTTPServer instance

require_once 'jaxl.php';
require_once JAXL_CWD.'/http/http_server.php';
$http = new HTTPServer();

By default HTTPServer will listen on port 9699. You can pass a port number as first parameter to change this.

Define our REST resources callback methods:

function index($request) {
        200, array('Content-Type'=>'text/html'),
        '<html><head/><body><h1>Jaxl Http Server</h1><a href="/upload">upload a file</a></body></html>'

function upload($request) {
    if($request->method == 'GET') {
            200, array('Content-Type'=>'text/html'),
            '<html><head/><body><h1>Jaxl Http Server</h1><form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" action=""><input type="file" name="file"/><input type="submit" value="upload"/></form></body></html>'
    else if($request->method == 'POST') {
        if($request->body === null && $request->expect) {
        else {
            // got upload body, save it
            _debug("file upload complete, got ".strlen($request->body)." bytes of data");

Next we need to register dispatch rules for our callbacks above:

$index = array('index', '^/$');
$upload = array('upload', '^/upload', array('GET', 'POST'));
$rules = array($index, $upload);

Start REST api server:


Make an HTTP request